I'm fired up for the new year. Armed with a litany of learned lessons and disasters averted, I am eagerly anticipating this bold year of 2010, which is mobbed with metaphors (the year of the tiger, the lunar year, a new/clean tablet [or slate], the perfect 10); seems to me 2010 is going to rock and as a self-professed optimist, I'm ready for it.
The power of positive thinking is immeasurably huge. Reflecting on the last year, I'm keeping in line with this life-altering attitude, and rolling with Edith Lovejoy Pierce's thoughts about grabbing 2010 by the cajones:
"We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day."
Or really, any day, TODAY, is the day. So today, I'm ordering this book:

Which means I'd better stop blogging about it and find a way to "make it happen"! (PSA: anyone willing to part with a cool $100K for a much needed home makeover? Just trying to make it happen....)
Okay, alright, parfait, parfait, I'll start small and work my way up. I must visualize the attack. Meditate on the moment. Become one with my inner.. something. Luxuriate in my own sweat. So I'm headed to hot yoga. The list of what I want and making it happen? To be continued..
*Styx, signing off*
(image courtesy of habituallychic.blogspot.com)
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