(reporting from the Underworld, about only the things that interest us)
It's been a helluva year. Good, bad, and ugly - 'round here it's all relative and as far as we're concerned it keeps the wrinkles coming and the laughter abundant. We needn't bother you with the sordid details of life as late-20-somethings, of the travels, the tantrums, the slaps and the kisses. Nay, we'd rather find comfort in living through another year of experiences, readily anticipating another year's surprises, dreads and delights. Here's a round-up of the good, the bad, and the stupid (and some slightly fictional):
Styx bought yet another pair of disgusting boots: (not fictional)

Hecate hurt her ankle - again: (Fractured, this time)

Styx martyred herself for three JBF events (NYC, Miami, Minneapolis) and learned more about how NOT to run a foundation/business/friendship than any class, book, self-help guru, parent or magic 8 ball could ever reveal:

(Don't be fooled by her smile. Styx knows the importance of good PR, even in the midst of total disarray.)

Tiger Woods. F****ed. Up. Just when you thought guys would smarten up after Steve McNair got finished off by his mistress, Tiger reminds us that you can't give men too much credit:

Hecate revelled in a very rare and exciting year of new experiences in filmmaking: (1) a 'blink and you'll miss it' bit part in the Coen Brothers' uber-angsty sleeper hit A Serious Man, (2) starred in an Animal Planet segment (No, Styx was not the subject), (3) a blip in a commercial for BW3's (if you don't know about it, it's probably better that way) and (4) a delightful turn or two in this music video for up-and-coming local artist Matthew Curney- see Plagiarism, http://www.myspace.com/mattcurney.

Styx revelled in a very rare and exciting year of new experiences in mistake-making.
The United States of America welcomed President Obama into the history books again for being awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace. The Norwegian Nobel Committee decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 was to be awarded to President Obama for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." Thank you nobelprize.org! It's almost like the fist-bump as a sign of impending doom between the First Lady and His Presidentness Himself never happened. Sock it to 'em, Mr. President!
The Sartorialist released an epic book:
Daria Werbowy (still) rocks, and continues to be our fav model:
Rodarte killed it:
Balmain annihilated it:
Paz got even cuter! :
...and cheekier...
Hecate chopped her hair off:
So did Styx:
Hecate went to NYC for Breanna's 30th and gained a number of cool points thanks to the gift she bought Styx for Festivus (see previous post), and a few extra pounds thanks to Roebling Tea Room, rye, The Flying Cow, Blackbird Cafe, mmmmm yes and so many others.
Hecate and Styx both made New Year's resolutions. The only part we'll let you in on is more style, more brainiac goodies, more stories, more "make you say huh?"s, more info, more diligent blogging. The rest is, well, most certainly too much information.
HAPPY NEW YEAR COMPADRES!! Hecate & Styx - wishing you all a hootin' and hollerin' 2010.
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