Couch it with some popcorn and a gin and tonic, with: A Good Year.
Hecate and I watched this Russell Crowe (post Gladiator) flick last year and we literally can't stop talking about it since. Perhaps it's the believable brilliance of Marion Cotillard's beauty and utter je ne c'est quoi. Or the fantasy of falling in love in such a perfectly butterfly-inducing fashion. Or maybe, nay most certainly, it's Provence. Our collective burning desire to pick up and move our truckload of shoes and books to Provence, France, and fall headfirst into the lush land of vino and french kisses is strong enough to melt... uh, a really big ice cube.
Or maybe we just had too much gin and tonic when we watched it.. Well, it's worth a second look. Trust us, you'll be daydreaming of Provence too. (Just LOOK at the French landscape! Pffff......)
Tagline: "Everything matures... eventually."
Ain't that the truth!

(images courtesy of
Hey whats up this is megan!!!! Bye!!!